
Alouette is a TAUOLA thin wrapper for simulating single \tau decays. It can operate in forward or in backward Monte Carlo mode. Alouette is built over Tauola++ Fortran source (version 1.1.8, for the LHC). It can be used as a C library (libalouette) or as a Python 3 package (alouette).

Source and license

Alouette's source is hosted on GitHub. It is available under the terms of the GNU LGPLv3 license. See the provided LICENSE and COPYING.LESSER files. The examples however have a separate public domain license allowing them to be copied without any restriction.


Alouette results have been carefully validated through various tests including comparisons to Tauola++. Code updates are unit tested using GitHub CI. Yet, whenever you were (un)lucky to come accross a bug, please consider reporting it as a GitHub issue.